Andrea is a registrar, independent appraiser, collection manager and curator in the New York City area. She is currently an Associate Registrar, Permanent Collection at the Whitney Museum of American Art

Andrea is an Associate Candidate at the Appraisers Association of America, specializing in Fine Art. She has experience appraising private collections and estates for a variety of purposes. She is USPAP compliant through December 20, 2024.

She holds Bachelor degrees in Art History and Fine Arts, Print Media from SUNY Buffalo as well as a Master's degree in Critical Theory and the Arts from School of Visual Arts. Her work has been published in several publications including ArtSlant, The Brooklyn Rail, and Art Observed. Andrea has taught Visual Culture to undergraduate students at Montclair State University and has experience working with museums, galleries, private collections, artist estates and auction houses.

When she is not working, she frequents art exhibitions, cooks extravagant meals and spends time with her husband and children. To get in touch with Andrea, please click here.

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